4 Useful Tips on Aging Healthily and Happily

4 Useful Tips on Aging Healthily and Happily
There are many advices out there about how to feel young even if you are already beyond your years. After going through articles and studies, Intrinsic Home Care, Inc found out 4 useful tips on aging healthily and happily:

  • Maintain active connections

    A study regarding healthy aging concluded that having more social engagements gives a positive and significant effect on one’s physical health.

    In order to stay physically and mentally healthy, you need to be socially engaged with your family, friends, and community. When we grow older, the relationships we have with people will change. It is time to mend these relationships and focus on having a positive bond with one another while it we still have time.

  • Plan ahead

    According to Dr. Helen Kivnick, a psychologist in the University of Minnesota, this generation is the best time to get old. This is because older adults have higher life expectancy than ever in the past years (https://www.psychologytoday.com/intl/articles/199611/getting-over-getting-older).

    That’s why while you are still younger and abler, you need to plan ahead so you can enjoy amazing opportunities and grow personally. Do not just sit around and wait for Father Time. Invest on experiences so you can gather stories to tell for your grandchildren and, possibly, great grandkids.

  • Accept the natural changes

    Perhaps there’s a social pressure to despise those wrinkles, white hair, aching body, and other inconveniences that come with aging. But all these changes are natural. What you can do now is learn to accept these changes and rethink the way you look at aging.

    Keep in your mind that when you resent aging, you age more and look older. Do not let those beauty advertisements rule your life. You are beautiful, healthy, and doing well. In fact, you may even be doing better than you did 10 years ago.

  • Be active

    Regular physical exercise can help you maintain your health and wellness throughout the years. It will not only maintain your flexibility but will also help you feel young.

    Exercise can empower you mentally and can give you the perception that you can do more things even if you will be blowing more candles annually. It was even concluded in a study that if you keep moving, you give your body the power to steer clear away from chronic diseases.

Even if all of us have to undergo in this process called “aging,” we do not have to necessarily feel old. If we maintain the right attitude and keep up with our healthy habits, we can help ourselves feel young at heart.

To help you age well, Intrinsic Home Care, Inc provides you with home care services to assist you as you live independently. We have been giving companion care in Illinois in order to help our seniors maintain their social connections with people, family members, and friends. At the same time, we also cater personal care in Indiana in order to help the older members of the family maintain their overall well-being.

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